What is "Building A House"?

"Building A House" is a blog about my journey back to God. The name comes from Proverbs 24:3-4 (The Message), "It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies."

No, this isn't going to be a blog about making my house look pretty - at least not pretty on the OUTSIDE. But, I'm going to be working on getting my house
"pretty" on the SPIRITUAL side. I'm coming back from a pretty dark place in my life after losing 8 babies to miscarriage. This blog is about my journey back
to the Lord.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Psalm 63:1

"O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water."
Psalm 63:1 (NLT)

OK, so while I don't live in a place that is parched with no water, I do live in a house with 2 teenagers and one almost teenager (with special needs), so sometimes it feels as if I'm in a parched and weary land. Definitely weary... ;-) And lately, my thirst for God has been so strong! I find myself hurrying through something I'm working on just so I can sit down and read another chapter. (It helps that I'm currently reading in 1 Samuel when David is running from Saul - it's like reading an action-adventure novel that I just can't put down - even though I know how it ends!) I love this type of thirst! 

In my searching I'm learning more about who God is. Some have said that the God of the Old Testament is a vengeful God. A God filled with wrath. And to an extent, yes. This is true. God's wrath does pour out on his enemies. But, he showers grace upon grace on those who love him. And God's grace isn't just for the Israelites of the Old Testament. It is for all of us as well! 

He wants to be in relationship with me and I'm deepening that relationship with him each and every time I open the Word of God. (Ok, so yes, I have to actually READ the Bible - a deep relationship doesn't happen through osmosis, I've learned!) I'm learning more and more about who God is and I'm loving what I see more and more as well! I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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