What is "Building A House"?

"Building A House" is a blog about my journey back to God. The name comes from Proverbs 24:3-4 (The Message), "It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies."

No, this isn't going to be a blog about making my house look pretty - at least not pretty on the OUTSIDE. But, I'm going to be working on getting my house
"pretty" on the SPIRITUAL side. I'm coming back from a pretty dark place in my life after losing 8 babies to miscarriage. This blog is about my journey back
to the Lord.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Psalm 59:16b-17

"For you've been a safe place for me, 
a good place to hide.
Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
I can always count on you - 
God, my dependable love."
Psalm 59:16b-17 (The Message)

Sometimes having an adopted child is so very difficult. Scratch that... sometimes having a teenage daughter is difficult. It seems every time we start to make progress, something happens to cause a major setback. Either I flip out, or she flips out. I'm not sure what it's going to take to have a decent relationship with each other. But, I do know that I can count on God to make it happen. I do know I can't make it happen, so when things get rough, God is my safe place. He is where I can go to hide from the chaos for some time of peace.

I'm not a perfect mother. I make my fair share of mistakes. Oh, I wish I was perfect! If I was perfect, maybe things would be better. Alas, I am not and things get better for a time and then they fall apart again. All I can do is keep putting my life and the life of my daughter into God's hands and pray for a miracle. 


  1. Thinking of you and praying too.

  2. Thank you, (((Marla))) You've been in my prayers as well.
