What is "Building A House"?

"Building A House" is a blog about my journey back to God. The name comes from Proverbs 24:3-4 (The Message), "It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies."

No, this isn't going to be a blog about making my house look pretty - at least not pretty on the OUTSIDE. But, I'm going to be working on getting my house
"pretty" on the SPIRITUAL side. I'm coming back from a pretty dark place in my life after losing 8 babies to miscarriage. This blog is about my journey back
to the Lord.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What is "Building A House"?

I have set a goal for myself for the year 2012 to read the Bible in its entirety. It's not a resolution as I fail at those miserably. And I'm not following any specific plan as I get so overwhelmed if I miss a day. I'm just reading five to six chapters from the Old Testament each day, one Psalm per day, one Proverbs that matches the corresponding day of the month and two to three chapters in the New Testament each day. My goal in this isn't to be able to say, "I read the Bible in a year!" My goal is to grow in wisdom as I "Build A House". If I don't finish reading the entire Bible in one year, so be it. No pressure. I'll just keep reading until I get if finished. So far, I have found this makes it more fun to read - I actually look forward to my evening time of sitting with the Word of God, soaking up its Wisdom.

Anyway, back to what "Building A House" is... 

Proverbs 24:3-4 (The Message), 
"It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to 
set it on a firm foundation; it takes knowledge to furnish its 
rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies."

No, this isn't going to be a blog about making my house look pretty - at least not pretty on the OUTSIDE. But, I'm going to be working on my house pretty on the SPIRITUAL side. I've been reading the Bible every day for almost a month now and have been posting my thoughts about what I read on my Facebook wall. But, you know... it's really hard to go back and find what you're looking for on your Facebook wall, so I thought putting my thoughts in blog format would be a good idea. I plan to still post my thoughts on Facebook - who knows who might read it and be touched by what God says to them about the scripture I post? However, I'm also going to be blogging here so I can find what "I" might need to hear again and again and again. 

You see, I'm coming out of a bit of a dark spell in my life. Ok... so that's an understatement of the century. I'm coming out of a period of bitterness towards God. The amazing thing is that God still loves me so very much, despite everything I said and thought about him! The bitterness I went through was due to many things, but the biggest being losing eight babies to miscarriage: my twins, Amari (B) and Kamari (G); Addison (G), Jayden (B), Justin (B), Jacob (B), Trystan (B), and Samantha (G). It was after my husband and I went on a retreat together called "Rachel's Vineyard" that I began to find healing. We are so blessed to have three living children, one from my womb and two through the blessing of adoption. This blog is about my journey back to the Lord.

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